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Way of Internationalisation ©



The “Way of Internationalisation ©” as per above diagram focuses – amongst the others – on the following aspects :

 Dott. Marco Minossi

  1. The Occasional Sale – a very frequent step amongst the Italian small-medium sized businesses – is the situation a Company cannot be defined “ internationalised” yet: sales are carried out exclusively based on  sporadic enquiries from the foreign clients, in a fully independent way from the marketing activities of the company; in such a phase the foreign sales volume  is neither foreseeable nor it is possible for the corporate management to make it part of a budget plan.

Carrying out such sales requires to the Seller:           a short time (T) (the strictly necessary one to arrange the manufacturing and the delivery of the products);           a low costs (C) level ( only those ones strictly involved in the management of the fortuitous purchase order);           a low degree of risk (R) (the one strictly innate in the success of the single payment, which is usually provided in the term of an advanced-payment or of an Irrevocable Letter of Credit);           a very poor control degree (°C) of the reference-market, as the knowledge and the target of any possible marketing action makes reference to either one or to a few clients; the Company remains completely far and passive from the marketing dynamics, threads and opportunities of the country the order comes from.          a low revenue (r), given by the profits from one or from a few sales only. 

  1. The possible commercial intermediaries are normally represented by the figures of the  Business Procurer, the Distributor and the Agent. They also are progressed herein depending on the increasing control degree of the reference-market they grant the Company: the Agent grants the highest one as he enables its Principal to come to know the final prices-level practised by the Company on a market, as well as the names and types of the clients supplied ( retailers, final users, consumers etc. ) . It’s not difficult to imagine how relevant the Agent’s role in the Company’s marketing and commercial strategies is!

  1. A Company can be considered as a properly “internationalised” one starting from the situation it establishes Commercial Structure, either it runs it on its own or in a contractual or joint co-operation with one or more local partners. Starting from such situation, it will be opportune to speak of  Investments (I) rather than of costs.

  1. The “immaterial asset” transfer is suitable to be practised  towards those countries where a market potential exists, but the “western” price-level is too high for those people’s demand. However, in the “globalisation” era, it’s becoming more and more dangerous as it results into a transfer of a competitive advantage ( know-how) in the benefit of cost-leader economies, which has not to be undervalued in many senses.

  1. It has to be noticed that – in presence either of a Joint Venture (JV) or of a Sole Venture (SV) The Company maximises all the considered factors, especially the risk and the market control-degree, either in a wider (JV) or in a total measure (SV).

Any internationalisation instrument, strategy and discipline, whatever it is, ( i.e. International Contracts and different types of agreements, Marketing and Communication, Financial facilities, Government support to foreign initiatives etc.) finds a  placing and a logic area inside the diagram of the above “Way”.

Dott. Marco Minossi

Consultant and Coach – Marketing and Manager


  • Dove cercare aiuto sulla contrattualistica internazionale

Per approfondire la materia si veda:

Albicini A., Zavatta R., Il contratto di Agenzia, Maggioli, 2003 (2º edizione)
Bortolotti F., Diritto dei contratti internazionali, Cedam, Padova, 1988
Bortolotti F., La contrattualistica internazionale, da Guida all’export per le piccole e medie imprese, Centro Estero Camere di Commercio
CCI, Regolamento CCI di conciliazione e arbitrato (in vigore dal 1/1/98), pubbl. 581, 1998
CCI, Modello CCI di Contratto di Vendita Internazionale, pubbl. 558, 1998
CCI, Modello di Contratto di Concessione di Vendita (importatore/distributore esclusivo), pubbl. 518, 1996
CCI, Modello di Contratto Internazionale di Agenzia Commerciale, pubbl. 496, 1992
Comba D., Il contratto internazionale di Agenzia, “Le Guide” de Il Sole 24 Ore, Milano 1993
Kurkdjan V., Produrre all’estero, Il Sole 24 Ore, 1996
Kurkdjan V., Contratti internazionali: 240 casi risolti, Ipsoa, Milano 2001

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